Monday, December 1, 2008

Holiday Traditions--Carnival of Genealogy

While I have written about sharing your family history by utilizing your family traditions recently, I get to share a few more family holiday traditions thanks to the Carnival of Genealogy. I am so thankful to Jasia for giving me so many great excuses to play with my family history here on this blog. I hope you will check out my previous post for the real information and ideas. I'm going to stick to pictures on this one.

(Carpenter, Snow, Schwendiman, Dana and Romney)
Christmas Traditions.
A photo essay from past to present.

Christmas Trees and Music.
(The Fred and Ethel Schwendiman Family, date unknown possibly early 1930s. My mother's mother's mother's family)
Lining up the family for a picture
(The Rose and Erastus B. Snow Jr. Family 1933. My father's mother Hortense's family)

Sending Christmas Cards
(Patricia and Marcia Dana, 1949. My mother Patricia on left.)
Visiting Santa
(Patricia and Marcia Dana again. Christmas 1954.)

Gathering everyone together.
(Viola Schwendiman Romney Talbot family. Christmas 1963. My Mother Patricia in red, My Mother's Mother Eila in red on the right and my Mother's Mother's Mother Viola in black on the left.)

Spoiling the Little Ones Rotten
(Me on the left and Kim on the right. Christmas 1969 and 1957 respectively.)
Pajamas on Christmas Eve.
My Children--several years ago. (This picture actually started a new tradition--family pictures of each Christmas displayed together on the piano. You'll have to come visit and see all the adorable pictures sometime.)
I have several more posts to write in my Sharing your Family History with your Family series but have been hit with Christmas Rush at Generation Maps lately. That is the most recent Hovorka family tradition I guess--definitely a good one. I'm hoping to get a bunch more of of my series posted this week. We'll see how far I get. We'll get them done eventually. Enjoy your happy holiday season.

1 comment:

  1. Pajamas on Christmas Eve! My mom started that tradition with my sister and me when we were young. Now it has passed on to her grandchildren.

    Thanks for sharing your family photos. :)
