Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What I did for Christmas Vacation

I'm baaaack.

We had a crazy December. Each end of the year is getting busier and busier as Generation Maps grows. I'm happy to report that the holiday season was good for us and Generation Maps is doing well. I've begun to think this company is fairly recession proof as we continue to see growth in our contacts and sales. When you are involved in something important, people value that no matter what. And the people we worked with this holiday season expressed to us many times how meaningful and important family history is to them and how excited they were to be able to share it with their families. It was nice to be able to help so many people with something that they love and help them express the importance of their families and connections.

So after the long hours leading up to Christmas I took a break (as you have seen from my unusual quiet on the blog and facebook). I got some sleep. And my children were happy to see me looking at them instead of the computer screen.

Here are a few of the things we did to take a break:

  • Made a gingerbread model of a friend's house as a gift (It kind of looks like our house too.)

  • Introduced the kids to "I Love Lucy"--they loved it. (BTW if you haven't ever seen "Forever Darling" with Lucy and Desi, rent it. Lots of "dealing with your family history" themes.)

  • Played Monopoly for the first time in years. Now that I own a business, it takes on a whole new meaning--I quite enjoyed it. I just might turn out to be a tycoon in this life, although I'm sure my son will outdo me there.

  • Stopped cleaning up the house for a week. I highly reccomend it. Everything is still here. And clean-up-able now.

  • Went to several movies and out to eat several times to just relax. We were snowed in on Christmas day though, which made for a nice peaceful holiday--new soft slippers and everything.

I hope you and yours had a nice holiday season as well. Now it is back to the treadmill, and the grindstone :-). Happy to go back to the things I love. I still have several more entries on the "Sharing your family history with your family" --slowest blog series ever. And we are working on several really fun, ornate custom charts for customers who were willing to wait until after Christmas. I'll let you know how it goes.

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