I got to attend the most wonderful wedding last weekend. I just have to tell you about it. My sister Jenn got married on Makena Surf Beach in Wailea, Maui last Thursday. She is now the beautiful Jenn McKay. I can't tell you how absolutely wonderful it was to see my little sister sooooo happy. And to see her new husband Ian so happy to. They are both in their early thirties and have been looking for someone for a while. And they both finally found the perfect person. They are such a good compliment to each other. So did we ever celebrate.(Picture: My Family, including my uncle Ken) I couldn't help but think all weekend what good hearts they both have. Jenn works with handicapped children and adults and has always had the good of others at the forefront of her thoughts and deeds. Her wedding was no less. They planned the wedding just before Labor Day weekend so that we could all relax and get a vacation out of it too. My whole family, and Ian's whole family, and many friends were able to attend. (It helps that Iain works for Delta, and there are lots of frequent flyer miles floating around the family)(Picture: My sisters, Amy, Me, Jenn, Emily and Kristen) And it was so good to be able to spend some time with my sisters. Amy and her new husband Collin, and Emily and Kim and I got to spend quite a bit of time together over the weekend. We got to laugh and laugh together. My twin little sisters have always been the joy of my life. As have all my sisters. I am so blessed with such wonderful women to be in a family with. In fact my sister Kristen was actually the one who set Jenn up with Iain. Her husband's brothers' wife knew Iain (he was her sister's husband's brother) and had met Jenn and she and Kristen had talked several times about setting the two up. When they finally did, it clicked. So get this: Jenn's sister's, husband's brother's wife's sister's husband's brother is now her husband. So Iain is now his brother's wife's sister's husband's brother's wife's sister's husband. Isn't that great :-) If you got lost don't worry. I have been lost the whole time they have been dating, until they all lined up for a picture at the wedding. Now I think I have it straight. Amy and Kristen took the pictures. They are both professional photographers. And they got some gorgeous shots. (the good pictures in this post are Amy's the bad ones mine.) We are going to blow several of them up as canvas giclees again like we did for Amy's wedding. I'm looking forward to printing them some beautiful prints.
And of course we enjoyed the beautiful scenery all weekend. I had only been through the Honolulu airport on my way to Japan, never stopped in Hawaii. Kim laughed at me because all weekend I kept saying "Now I understand why Ohana Software uses the Plumeria flowers in their logo." They are so beautiful in person. Everything there is. I don't know if I fit in in Hawaii very well--I never slow down that much. But it was nice. Missed FGS but I found out Kim loves snorkeling and I'm more of a sit on the beach and read person. I hope we get to go back again soon.
Well, we are home for exactly 52 hours this week so I'm amazed I actually got this blog post in. You wouldn't believe what we are trying to cram into that 52 hours to try to keep up with everything. We are on our way tomorrow to the Eastern Washington Genealogy Society conference in Spokane. Thanks to everyone who is holding the fort down the last couple of weeks while we have had several conferences. I'm looking forward to a little break after this weekend but then I'm sure I'll be looking forward to our next conference in Redding, California too. Hope we'll see you soon.
Great photos Janet - I remember in Burbank this past June you mentioned the wedding in Hawaii. I just didn't realize you had only flown through and not stopped in Hawaii!