Monday, March 1, 2010

Family ChArtist--Additional Information

Note: Apparently when I posted this last night, it posted to the wrong date and thus got lost further down the blog. I'll repost it here in case you missed it. This is a cool feature with lots of possibilities. I want to make sure you see it.

Ok, so you can import your genealogy information into Family ChArtist from a GEDCOM or from FamilySearch so far. (We made more progress this last weekend and have begun the process to bring several more companies into direct import with Family ChArtist.)

In that import, right now, we automatically import birth, marriage, and death dates and places. In the last 6 years, 99% of the charts we have done have been done with those vital statistics.
We've made this data totally editable in the program just in case you realize there is something on a database or even in your GEDCOM that you know is wrong. Such is often the case when you get it all out where you can see it. And sometimes you just want to fill things in such as spelling out Massachusettes in this sample:
In fact, because we have put unlimited spacing on each of these fields, you can actually add other information to each piece of data--such as adding the christening or the burial information with the birth or death, or the divorce information in with the marriage info.

But every once in a while, someone asks for different information in that data on a chart. We've been asked about adding personalities or qualities to the data on a chart. We've done charts with careers, or divorces or Age at death, hobbies, nicknames, military service or other recognitions such a being pioneers, or immigrants. So we left you a field on the bottom that gives you room for "additional information."
What else might you use it for?

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