Thursday, August 11, 2011

Changing plans--conferences, conferences, conferences.

Well you can't keep a good company quiet for long.

Thank you to all of you for the fantastic summer we've had. We've hired two more people and bought another plotter to keep up with everything(6!?! I don't know how Kim keeps them all running--it's all quite complicated). We're so happy to have been able to help so many people to display and honor their family history. It was good that we slowed down on conferences and focused on taking good care of your charts. We have barely stayed on top of things.

But now we are ready to get growing even more. Now, with more help trained, not only have we accomplished a real vacation away from work, but we are heading back into conferences--and just in time for some great ones. Here's what we are planning for the rest of this year:

Sidetrack here--You really ought to sign up for this one next weekend if you haven't. It is a screaming deal for only $20. The conference combines excellent presenters and hands on labs from beginning to advanced levels. Co-sponsored by the Genealogy department of Salt Lake Community College, there is an entire ICAPGEN track and a total of 144 classes over the two days.

We're also going to:
I'm still slowing down the lecturing (UGA president and all that has slowed me down there) but we'll be available with discounts, fill-in-the-blank charts to work on and free consultations. So please come see us. We'd love to talk to you about how to display your family history.

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