Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A few new testimonials

Roger Grua-one of our favorite customers--greeted me at a recent conference in Ogden, Utah with a big hug and a whole CD full of pictures of the charts at his family reunion. I have to show you a few of them here. We worked together over several weeks trying to figure out how to squish all of his data into small enough charts that he could lay them out on tables. It was a sliding scale between the size of font and the amount of tables he would have to find--so he worked on tables and I worked on getting a whole bunch of information into a reasonable space.

You can see in the pictures that the charts were a hit. Thanks for the great images Roger. We're glad we were able to help you display your information for your family.

Some of the other comments we have received this summer have included:

"I have now received the wonderful chart. I feel like we are some how connected at least you have a pretty good idea about all of us. All the way from Johan Schmidt to Jacob Daeda, and a bunch in between. The chart has accomplished all I had hoped. At a glance it is pretty clear who belongs to whom and half way across the room I can see the similarities and differences. Pretty neat family! Thank you so very much for your patient part in the whole project. I am sure we will enjoy this for a long time to come. It has encouraged lots of family dialogue which was a little more than I expected, just an extra bonus. My best to you and future projects."

"The chart arrived today. BEAUTIFUL ! Thanks again to everyone that worked on this chart. High FIVES all around. "

"This is beautiful, My mother is happy now. Thank you again for all of your patience, I think the chart looks fantastic."

We did several charts this summer with strong backgrounds that were meaningful to the family. This family home was a really important gathering place for family events and held great memories for all of the grandchildren. They wanted to display the family history in its context.

And then this chart was one of my favorites this summer. The Woods Family--get it? Finally a Family "Tree" theme that really made sense.

And then take a look at this great cascading descendant chart that is color coded. It was 19 feet long and 3.5 feet tall.

And Roger sent us another picture of his mother-in-law with the chart we did for her. This was such a great chart and we appreciate them letting us share it with you. She is a beautiful lady with a beautiful family. We love doing mother-in-law charts and while we know Rogers MIL loves him, we've had more than a few people come back and say that they finally had in-law approval when they presented one of our charts to them. So if you need any help there let us know :)

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