Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tour of our offices

We had a pipe break and our offices have been torn up this summer. It has taken too long to get things straightened out because we've been too busy with family reunion season to be able to deal with it much.  I'm so thankful the company that is taking care of it has been great to work around us.  I'm missing our usual arrangements, so I'm going to show them to you here.  Hopefully the good vibrations will get things back to normal quickly. 
Entrance.  I love the logo on the wall.  It reminds me of our goals "Share, Honor, Inspire."  I love that.  I love what we do.

The main work room.  Big cutting table, laminator, marked with all of the places around the world where we've shipped charts.  The Generation Maps logo is still on that wall.  We've come a long ways baby.
Several of the plotters and the paper.  4 stretched canvases of fall shots that I took one year.  I love autumn.
Ok.  confession.  This is where a little bit of my regular life invades the offices.  This wall is full of craft supplies and around the corner is my sewing machine.  This part wasn't affected so much by the pipe leak but I'm afraid they are going to have to move everything when we recarpet.  I'm sure it is going to be fine when they put it all back.  (thinking good thoughts.)
My office.  Too many computers, lots of pictures of the kids, a few blogger beads, Egyptian papyri, pink, floral, me. 
Kim's office.  There is usually alot more going on than you see here. 
Our other office for when our employees come in.  They work alot from home, but when they come in they have a clean space where they can concentrate.
The print server station.  My syllabi from all the years of conferences overfloweth.  Lots of good reference.  

The good news is we get new carpet throughout and I really love the carpet we picked out.  We have been able to keep up with customers but now you know why the blogging has been sparse.  We will be put back together by the end of  the week--and it will all have that wonderful smell of new carpet.  Wish us luck.

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