Wednesday, August 1, 2012

UGA's Fall Family Conference

We're at the BYU conference this week (come visit us!/ Our Schedule) but I wanted to tell you about the very different conference UGA is sponsoring in September.  Registration is at
The Utah Genealogical Association is excited to announce their Fall conference "Come Climb Your Family Tree"

Bring your family to explore your roots: the Utah Genealogical Association Fall Conference will be a new kind of event for teens and adults.  Classes, vendors and activities will include all experience and interest levels.  Activities for young children from 1pm to 4pm Saturday.

This fall we've focused on a family friendly conference to enhance the record numbers this year with teenage involvement at the Riverton Family History Center, the Family History Library and in indexing the 1940 census.   There are two hours of classes Friday evening on the latest technology and getting started as a beginner that are perfect genealogists and people just getting started.  With a fresh schedule and vendor's activity booths, this will be different than any genealogy conference you've ever seen. 

Friday September 21, 9:00AM-8:30 PM and Saturday September 22, 9:00 AM-5:30 PM.  Lunches will be available for pre-order and pizza and snacks will be available to purchase Friday evening.  

The conference will be at the Sandy Campus of Salt Lake Community College near the 106th South off ramp of I-15

There is individual, family and partial conference pricing.  Free Family History Consultant track.  Limited seating available.

Reserve your spot today at

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