Sunday, June 16, 2013

New Series.. What I Found At A Conference

I'm going to start a new series on this blog.  WIFAAC.  I get to go to so many genealogy conferences, and I find so many great things, but in the middle of the blitz of a conference I'm never able to blog much. 

I sometimes wish I was one of the bloggers that have time to go to classes and blog and social network during a conference but I'm not, so I don't get to blog real time much.  My time at conferences is spent talking to customers, speaking, sometimes even administrating the conference.  My evenings are spent working with partners, dealing with orders, putting last minute touches on lectures and demos and sometimes even managing my teenagers.  Even when we get home, it seems that all of the other bloggers have already covered everything, but often I find a few treasures they don't mention.  So here in this series, sometimes way too late, I've decided I'm going to talk about the exciting things that I've found at conferences anyway.  

I've been keeping a list of all the things I've wanted to blog about from the conferences I've been able to go to this year.  With the launch of the new book, and getting the workbook written it's been a busy year so far so the list just hasn't gotten fleshed out here--yet.  But there are some really cool things to talk about, so I've decided I'm just going to do it--no matter how late it is. 

I had a good friend in college that I made a deal with.  We agreed that no matter how long it has been since we had been in touch, we'd never make excuses, we'd just be glad to hear from each other and be happy to be in touch now.  Hopefully this will be a little like that.  Sometimes it might take me a while to get some blog posts written, but hopefully they can just be about great information anyway. 

And with that explained...  I'll get started blogging on several things I've been wanting to tell you about. 

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