Monday, July 21, 2014

I Am Thankful For... Part 1

Gratitude has been on my mind a lot lately, especially as it pertains to my business and book writing. I love what I do! We are so happy to be a small business.  I really enjoy every aspect of being a "boutique" business and how it allows our company to have very specialized interaction with each of you. We've built some amazing relationships along the way that have touched our lives both professionally and personally. These partnerships, relationships, and interactions have taught us so much.

We genealogists definitely have a very synergistic community and the knowledge, emotional support, and business support we give one another are all very critical to us.  And so, I'm grateful.  To all of you. I'm also grateful for bigger aspects of the genealogy world and I feel the need to share exactly why.  So I'm taking a little bit of time to do a short series on the big business side of genealogy and how I have become grateful for the experiences and knowledge I have gained from my interaction with "the big three."  Please come back over the next several days as I share some how's and why's for my current grateful-for state of mind.

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