Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I Am Thankful, Part 3

Today, I would like to talk about This company is based in Israel and the CEO, Gilad Japhet, is my kind of CEO. We partnered with back in 2010 and we have really enjoyed our relationship with them. We handle their chart printing for them and it has been such a great experience for us because we feel our companies mirror one another in our shared desire for everyone to be active participants in their own family history. You can see their passion in the people that work for them and that is a refreshing and joyful thing to watch on the business side of things.
One thing I have some real gratitude for with this company is their worldwide reach. We have shipped charts for them to all ends of the earth! We regularly ship their charts to places like Ghana, Malta, Saudi Arabia, Nepal, New Caledonia, Russia, New Zealand, Columbia, Costa Rica, Argentina.. you get the drift.  We've printed their charts in a variety of languages as well, which just makes my job fun.  It is so cool to look at the pictures and see the families on all these charts.  I love seeing how far this company reaches across the globe because that means that genealogy is a real global passion for so many people out there and is a big key to that.

Something else that I love particularly about their website is the joy and fun they infuse into family history.  If you haven't been to the apps tab on their website you should take a look.  The Family Game, The Look-Alike Meter and the Family Crest have been fun for my kids and Matthew talks about them in his "Get to Know Your Geezers" talk. These are engaging games to help draw in your youngsters and show them that family history is fun! The family matching game is fun online and you can even purchase the cards.  One of their goals is to help you and your children care about your family history and to have fun doing it.  Like I said earlier, completely shared missions here.

In the end, I just really need to tip my hat to Gilad and his team.  They really "get" what genealogy and family history are all about.  When genealogy is your job, it's a business, sure, but it's also so much more than that.  I love and appreciate for their global reach, their focus, and their belief and understanding that our families matter.  I just really love finding a company, like ours, that makes their personal passion their livelihood.  It's a great example for all of us in the genealogical community, so three cheers for that!

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