Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Of New Years and Resolutions

Happy New Year! 2015 is upon on us and it's a great time to create new habits and work on some new goals. That's a really positive way to say "We're all eating carrots and hummus for lunch today," isn't it? :) While that may or may not be the case for you, I do think it is pretty safe to say that at this time of year, it's a pretty natural reaction for us each to reflect on ourselves and where we are personally and to renew some efforts we put into self-improvement.

That said, it's also a time that we, as a company, have decided to act on a goal we've talked about quite a bit for the last half of 2014. And there is no better time than the change of a calendar to Carpe Diem! ourselves into the execution of that goal. We want to work on asking for, receiving, and then implementing customer feedback this year. We do want to be the best we can be and provide our customers with the best service we can. So, even if the feedback pinches a bit, we're ready and willing to listen--and change. We're asking, so here's your chance to let us know how we are doing!

Here is a link to quick online survey, asking about your experience with Family ChartMasters. We've made it as fast and painless as possible (really... we all tried it ourselves and it only takes about 2 minutes). In addition to trying to make it a simple and fast process, we're also making it a worthwhile process. Here's your chance to not only help us, but help others too. For every online survey response we receive, Family ChartMasters will donate $1 to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. So you'll actually be doing two helpful things, all in a matter of a few minutes. You can count it as two good deeds for your day!

Please be on the lookout for our newsletter with a link to take the survey or better yet, click this link to get started now. And thank you, in advance, for your participation. It really does help us to improve and grow.

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