Monday, April 27, 2015

Changes and Additions to the Family ChartMasters Team

Janet and Michelle at RootsTech (Courtesy Randy Seaver)
You've probably noticed I've been a bit quieter online lately.  We recently had to say goodbye to Michelle, our wonderful social networking specialist.  She brought such enthusiasm to her position and was very vested in connecting FamilyChartMasters among our online followers.  She kicked off a bright spot in our company of adding new team members who have brought an infusion of new excitement and fresh ideas.  She was a great help in finishing up the most recent Zap the Grandma Gap Activity Workbooks and also with working our booths at RootsTech.

I'm missing her help so much that I can't go forward without someone else to step right into her spot.  Christine, a current special projects assistant, is going to be jumping in to assist with social networking and also as a contributing editor to the blog.

Wendy Johnson
And then, we'd like to welcome our most recent addition to the Family ChartMasters team, Wendy Johnson.
She is taking on multiple roles as chart designer, printer, and special projects assistant.  Wendy was born and raised in Oregon and has a great love of the outdoors. She is the mother of 8 and enjoys getting together with family. Her love of family history began with her grandma, who was an amazing storyteller and sparked her interest in the past. Wendy adores a good book, a fun adventure or a vigorous bike ride. She delights in all things healthy, especially developing yummy eats.  Her favorite spots are the Oregon coast, Zions National Park and the Louvre. She is very energetic and loves a challenge.

We're so happy that Christine will be helping more and that Wendy has joined us.  These ladies are delightful to work with and we know you will love them too.  With all of us, they are ready and willing to help you create the perfect representation of your family tree.  Let us know what we can do to help you at or

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