Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Best of the Year

Each year, as a part of our RootsTech preparations, we go back through the custom charts we've created to select a few of our favorites.  We then go back and ask those clients if they would be willing to let us share their charts.  This year we had so many favorites that it was hard, and we ended up choosing more than ever before.  Check out the amazing work our designers have been doing lately.  You can clearly see that "if you can dream it up--we can create it for you."

We've added these to our gallery so you are welcome to click over there to find larger versions. 

Of course, we change all of the names on the charts-especially the living people, but if you see any ancestors that look familiar, shoot us an email.  Some of our clients asked to leave their ancestor's names as is, in the hopes that displaying their chart might help find some cousins to connect with.  We promised them that we'd connect you should anything match up.  Likewise, some of the charts have been edited slightly for the use we needed them for.

We're delighted to show these off at RootsTech soon.  Please come see how spectacular they are in person.  And if you can make it this time, catch us at one of our other conferences this year.  We're looking forward to seeing you, and working on coming up with a spectacular chart for your own family.  Maybe you'll be one of our winners next year!

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