Monday, August 6, 2018

Conferences, Conferences, We Love Conferences

A bit of news about the conferences that are on our plate now.

We've just finished up a great conference locally--the 50th anniversary BYU Conference on Family History and Genealogy.  I gave my "Pay it Forward: Lessons from my Great Grandfather's Records" lecture and I think it went really well.  I love talking about my Great Grandfather's family history efforts and I think that comes across.

As usual, we never got a shot of the booth while we were busy with clients--because we were busy with clients right?  So here's a blank look at the setup.

The best part of BYU is having time to talk to all of our good friends.  So many great great friends that we've known for a decade and a half.  I had a chance to catch up on what's going on at Ancestry, and FamilySearch, at RootsMagic and Ancestral Quest, and of course all the happenings at BYU.  Lots of great things going on for the genealogy industry that I'm excited about.  And so many good friends--what's going on with their kids, their health and their all around well-being.  Somehow, BYU is just a great conference to see good friends.
Tamara Hardy, Me and Sue Maxwell.  Some of the great friends at BYU
 We're looking forward to heading out for the Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference in a couple of weeks.  We're going to drive to Fort Wayne this time--a good old fashioned road trip, up through North Dakota (never seen that part of the country) and dropping down to stay in the Motel my husband Kim's grandparents built in Adams Wisconsin.  We're doing another GBA.BUZZ competition at the conference and we'll have dinner together with the Genealogy Business Alliance crowd Thursday night too.  Looking forward to seeing great friends at FGS too.

AND, I just got word that RootsTech has accepted one of my lectures for February.   It is entitled:
  • Heirloom Documentation or Junk: What to Keep or Toss
Super excited to talk about this issue with everyone.  As always, looking forward to RootsTech.

Come see us at a conference!  Or let us know what we can do for you at

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