Friday, October 5, 2018

When is the best time to get a Family ChartMasters chart?

When is the best time to get a Family ChartMasters chart? Well now of course. But let me tell you why... 

This is what our sales look like by month throughout the year.  As you can see there are two busy periods and two slower periods.  I think the summer months are busy with what we call "Family Reunion Season"  Everyone is ordering charts for their summer family get-togethers.
Then at the end of the year, we have the holiday season.  We love printing charts for our clients to share with their family members as gifts.  What more meaningful gift can you give than a beautiful representation of your family?

The low points are the slower periods in our company.  As you can see, the volume drops by about half at the first of the year, and in the fall.  I think people are actively working on researching during those months. Interestingly, these are the opposite peaks and valleys of most other genealogy companies.  Databases, softwares, and other products that help you research your family history are actually busy at the times when we are slow, and slower when everyone is busy with summer vacations or holidays. 

So the perfect time to order a custom chart is now because our designers have more time to focus on your order.  Our amazing designers are attentive to every detail of your chart at any time of the year, but right now, they have plenty of time to focus on you and be extra creative with any design you can dream up.  With our online preview system, your personal designer will work with you until it is exactly perfect and you never pay anything until we go to print.

And the best reason that now is the perfect time, is that we are doing our annual Buy One Get One FREE sale on all of our custom charts.  We love to help out the early birds who are getting their holiday shopping done early.  (I'm not that organized, but I love those people who are.)  Until the end of October, if you buy one custom chart, you can get a second one free by using the code BOGO2018 when you place your order.

So send in your file today at and we can get started right away.  You'll have just over three weeks to work with your designer to perfect your chart and place your order.  We're looking forward to printing a beautiful representation of your family for you. 

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