Thursday, November 1, 2018


For a couple of years now we've taken our team up to Park City for a weekend to relax, have fun, evaluate, and think through ideas about how we can better serve you.  These have been some of our most productive days, and have made a big difference in the efficiency of the company and the value we are able to bring you.  Everyone has worked so hard this year, we wanted to take care of them and treat them to something.
Our new designers group photo

This year, as part of the retreat, we also treated our designers to makeovers and a photo shoot for some new plans we have for the website.  I'm so excited to show you what we have in store there but that will have to wait for now.  What I can show you though, is how much fun we had. 
Erin having her makeup done

Doesn't Stacy look beautiful?

Waiting their turn at Seiren Salon

Beautiful Marti making us beautiful.

A stop for tea at the Grand America

Relaxing with tea and cakes.

Adorable Sassy Karli.  Isn't she the cutest?

Grub Steak in Park City

All the goodies

Putting our feet up

Hanging out.  Too Many laughs

Great-Grandmother's Cottage Chees Pancakes

Famous Legers sandwiches
So apparently I take more photos of food than of people.  But those were the only times we stopped to take a breath.  Rest assured--we came up with some mammoth new ideas about how to improve our services around here and I can't wait to put them into effect.  Just watch.  2019 is going to be our best yet!

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