Thursday, January 30, 2020

Annual Favorites 2020: Family Reunions

We've been honored to help many family history researchers share their family history with their families this year.  Summers are always busy with family reunion season but really a family gathering can be anytime of the year.  There is no better way to share the history with the non-genealogists in your family.  Creating an impressive display of the family history will always engage the whole family in learning about where they came from.  We would love to help you share your history at a family reunion.

Be sure to click on any of the charts to see a larger version with all of the details.  And join us at any conference this year to see the actual prints.

This amazing all in one chart includes ALL of the family with extended cousins, distant ancestor lines, icons for soldiers, links to US presidents and Supreme Court Justices, and other important historical figures.

The photos of the grandparents and each of their five children with their spouses bring this family's origins to life.  The group photo, house, and maps really tell the story of the family in an engaging way.  

The amazing couple on top raised this beautiful family of fifteen children.  The soft image of their home in the back shows the background of the family and where they were raised.  This chart is wrapped to keep to a more frameable size but still has room for all of the grandchildren, great-grandchildren and even great great grandchildren.
So let our designers give your family tree a try.  You can send your information to us at  There's no obligation until we go to print because we are confident we can come up with something you will love. Just wait until your family sees all of the work you've done.  They'll be so impressed.  We'll make sure your chart is just as breathtaking as these are.

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