Thursday, July 16, 2009

Two more blog mentions today.

Randy Seaver has apparently thrown down the gauntlet. He has a great file that I got to take a peek at at SCGS. If he'll let me, I'd sure like to see how big his new combined file would be to plot out.
We brag about being able to do ANYTHING. If you have a huge file you'd like to print, you KNOW where to come.

Also, another mention about my class at the BYU conference in a few weeks.
He says he would come to my Comparing Softwares for NFS but I'm really excited about the other class I'm teaching. It's a new one that goes much deeper than this description:
"38. Basic Research Practices in the Age of New FamilySearch
Janet Hovorka
Grounding yourself in the foundations of good research can help you be a more effective genealogist, whether in the library or on the Internet. We’ll discuss primary and secondary sources, original and compiled records and how to track your research effectively. In the Internet age source centricity is more important than ever and so are your methods of citing sources. And now that you can work on the new FamilySearch Family Tree, we’ll discuss keeping a private copy of your research and how to work with FamilySearch Family Tree without laborious syncing."
You can take a look at the classes here. If you are going to be in the area, be sure and come visit, even if you don't come to classes. We'll be in the hallway with all the other vendors that you can talk to too. (I always learn more from the vendor hall than the classes anyway.)

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