SLIG was established in 1996 by the Utah Genealogical Association, and has become one of the premier genealogy education experiences in the country. Classes are taught in the mornings and finish in the afternoons leaving time for research at the Family History Library. Classes range from beginning to advanced. Attendees can choose between 10 tracks including:
- American Research and Records: Focus on Families,
- New York Research,
- Research in the South,
- Advanced Research Tools: Land Records,
- Credentialing: Accreditation, Certification, or Both?,
- Producing a Quality Family Narrative
- Researching in Eastern Europe
- Advanced Evidence Analysis Practicum
- Advanced Genealogical Methods and
- Problem Solving, the 10th track is a hands on experience working on your own family history with advice from professional researchers.
I've registered for the Advanced Genealogical Methods class and I'm so excited. I've been able to attend SLIG the last couple of years and I have been completely blown away by the amazing instructors and the wealth of knowledge I've gained each time. Course outlines and registration information can be found at www.ugagenealogy.org. Registration is limited and classes fill fast. Come strengthen your skills to discover your roots.
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