This is my favorite time of the year for a number of reasons. But one of the biggest reasons is because of all the fantastic family history gifts we get to help people create. We are in the thick of our Christmas rush already and loving every minute of it. I love to help people honor their family history and make their holiday celebrations more meaningful. We'd love to help you too.
Reprinted from
our newsletter.

What do you get them for the holidays? The annual problem is rearing
it's head again this time of year. Especially for parents and
grandparents? What can you do to express your love and appreciation,
something important and yet at a realistic cost?
And the kids...
Not another gadget or toy they don't really need. What can you do to
strengthen their self esteem and pull them in tighter to their family?

Let us help you create the perfect gift. Just
send us your family's information--in any format--and let us help you create a
beautiful family heirloom custom chart that will be appreciated for years to come.
We've appreciated some of the
recent comments we've heard...
Porter and I visited and he again thanked us for his chart. He said it
is a magnet for his grandchildren when they come for a visit. They love
to find themselves on the chart and see how they fit into this wonderful
family. Please pass this along to your staff and let them know that
what they do makes a difference in the lives of 1000's of people around
the world." Dave D.

with all the family gathering for holiday celebrations, what a great
way to get everyone involved. "I just wanted you to know that our
Family Chart was a big hit. We had 100 cousins participate in our
Family Reunion and they loved finding their names on the chart. We
had a Meet and Greet game that involved the chart and we were off and
running for a wonderful weekend. Thanks so much for your help. The
chart is beautiful." Kathy N.
It's all in the way you
present it. Let us help you present your history to your family in a
visual way, with context in time and place, and your family will start
to become curious.