So I won the lottery at the recent New England Regional Genealogy Conference in Providence Rhode Island. Not only was Providence a beautiful site for the conference, not only was the conference great with lots of people excited about what I had to say, but I got to stay with my dear friend
Maureen Taylor who lives there.

Maureen was a most gracious hostess and took such wonderful care of me. She lives in a beautiful turn of the
century home which was built with servants quarters in the attic and two sets of stairs,
one for the family and one for the servants. So fun. We built our home, and most of my local family members and neighbors have built their homes, so it was really awesome to stay in a historical home like that. And it was in such a beautiful neighborhood too. Maureen and I stopped at the local private library- the Providence Athenaeum where she has is a member. A librarian's dream. I wish this library was closer to me--I could spend days and days there very happily.

The best part was getting to know Maureen better and learning more about her life. I understand now how she keeps so young and healthy and how historically minded she is and so smart. She lives close to the University and walks everywhere. I wish my life had more walking in it. And best of all I got to meet her wonderful husband Dexter and her two adorable Maltese dogs Tucker and Bella. I don't know if Dexter was up for the whole social networking thing but he let me snap this picture of them with his beeeeaaaaautiful antique Ford Mustang.

Maureen let me do a little studying on her side desk in her office. It was nice to have this gorgeous painting of her Great Grandfather watching over me. I didn't get a picture of her beautiful desk and the fireplace and bay window. She has an amazing personal library about the history of hair and costume and all things genealogy. I could have stayed here and read and read too. It isn't hard to see how much Maureen has studied to gain all her expertise. She really is marvelous when it comes to photo identification. And now I could see why. She is called the Photo Detective, but I call her the Photo Whisperer.
If you need a photo identified she does brilliant consultations and she can tell you all sorts of things about your photo to help you identify who and what and where and when.
As always, it was fun to hang out with all our genealogy friends at this conference. It was so nice to see social networking friends that we don't often see out west like Marian Pierre Louis and Midge Frazel. The Outside the Box sessions were really well attended as usual and we had some great discussions over dinner with Dexter, Lisa Louise Cooke and her husband Bill and with Biff Barnes. I think we almost have the whole genealogy world figured out. And good food too. Who knew all the good food was in Rhode Island?

Before I left, Maureen even took me out to the coast and we got to spend the day in Newport. What a fun place with the Ten Mile Drive, Tennis Hall of Fame, and the best clam chowder ever, ever, ever--and great company of course. The summer mansions along Ten Mile Drive were gorgeous--so fun for a historian.
It was great to get to know Maureen better and see more of what her life was like. Her nice husband, her home, the historical neighborhood she lives in, her offices and her dogs all suit her perfectly. I was really spoiled to get to spend some time with such a great lady.