We often take our fill-in-the-blank charts to genealogy conferences. And we often get asked, can you fill these in for us? Well--we could, but they would need to be created and refined by a designer--until now. We've added some of our most popular fill-in-the-blank charts to our line up of set style charts. If you are sure your data is good to go, you can now order a set style chart that is easier and cheaper than our full custom charts. They are still designed by our talented designers. And they're put through our quality control tests to make sure they don't just come out like a run of the mill automated chart. So they're beautiful on a budget. Take a look:
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Set Style Charts-Filled In Fill-in-the-blank Charts
Friday, April 29, 2022
Set Style Charts--A family is a growing organism.
So it works well that in design trends right now organic, earthy, nature themed decorating is super popular. One of our favorite places to have retreats is at the Mountainside Marriott in Park City. We decided to do a riff off some of the decorating elements found there. Our talent designer Amy took the tree rings and turned them into a family history work of art.
We named each of them after a species of birch tree:

Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Memorial Day Sale--Working Charts 25% off
Hey Everyone. We have an opportunity for you to get ready early for your family reunion this year and save money in the process! |
We've only done a few working chart sales in our whole 18 year existence so this is a great opportunity you shouldn't miss. You might need a quick draft copy of research you are working on, or you may be looking for something to hang up at this year's family reunion to let people write on and add information. Either way, be sure to take advantage of this sale. Two deadlines to keep in mind:
Use the code FAMILYMEMORIAL to take 25% off any working chart. Start with sending your information in for a free consultation at familychartmasters.com/consult. Please collect all of the information you want on your chart before sending it to us. While we are able to make minor corrections on charts, we can no longer start chart development or give quotes until all of the necessary family information is gathered. |
Good, Better, Even Better and Best

Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Set Style Charts--All the colors of the rainbow

Perfect for gifts and super simple, they're inexpensive enough to send to all of the grandchildren. Order yours today at https://familychartmasters.com/set-style
Monday, April 25, 2022
Announcing a Whole New Chart Concept--Set Style Charts
If you follow our newsletter (and you should--just sign up on the front page of our website at familychartmasters.com) or if you follow us on social media (instagram, facebook or twitter) You will have heard about our new product. We're trying a whole new approach to charts, and it is going to save you money! That's always good right?
With our custom charts, you work with one of our designers and we send previews and make sure everything is exactly the way you want it. With this service, we can create any kind of chart you can dream up and make any corrections you need, but the online approval process isn't instant, and working with a designer can be a little more costly even though we've tried to keep the costs reasonable. You can see some samples of the amazing charts our designers have created in the decorative chart section of our gallery.
With our working charts, we dispense with the online preview and the design work, but we can't offer anything but the basic chart because we won't be showing you the preview so it is kind of hard to imagine what a more decorative chart is going to look like. So we keep these simple draft copies and they're inexpensive but not decorative at all. You can see some samples in the working chart section of our gallery.
Well we've finally come up with a middle solution that we know will appeal to lots of our clients.
We're excited announce a new product line:
Family ChartMasters Set Style Charts
Check them out at https://familychartmasters.com/set-style
Maybe you:
- Want a beautiful chart but you're still researching and aren't quite ready for a custom chart.
- Like the designs you see here and know that your information is clean so you don't need to see the online preview.
- Want a prettier working chart where you can add information and still show it off to your family.
- Want to purchase copies for all of your family members but don't want to spend alot of money.
- Just need something quick, beautiful and inexpensive but professional looking.
With set style charts, since there isn't the online preview process, we're able to offer these charts at much lower prices, but still keep the decorative designer look. So now you can have a beautiful chart up on your wall, professionally printed with your genealogy information, inexpensively and quickly.
Take a look at some of these beautiful designs.
You can just submit any kind of genealogy database file, or the page also includes instructions on how to send us your file from MyHeritage and Ancestry.com. If you're looking for a chart printed from FamilySearch data, give us a call at 801-872-4278 and we're happy to help you with that over the phone.
And watch for more designs coming soon. We're excited to help you with this new option for chart printing--professionally designed charts by the world's leading family chart printing company.
Check out the charts at https://familychartmasters.com/set-style