We've got something new and exciting to share with you this week! Our FamilyChartmasters designers have just finished creating a great new series of Set Style Charts to help you introduce the children in your life to their ancestors.
Have you ever wondered how to get your own children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, youth group or school class interested in learning about their extended family? Have they experienced the fun of discovering the names of their grandparents and great-grandparents and learning about their lives?
Look no further. These adorable five-generation pedigree charts have been designed to help kids see where they fit into their family story. These customizable charts can also help you share their family history with them in a way that is personalized and unique.
We are thrilled to introduce five styles of charts representing different families. And, we can customize any of these charts to fit your needs. Each chart is 24 x 36 inches and can be printed on either Presentation or Professional paper. You will notice on the website that each chart has been named for a unique type of architecture. They are perfect for framing and just right to add a uniquely personal touch to a child's room.
It has been said that "the single most important thing you can do for your family may be the simplest of all: develop a strong family narrative." https://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/17/fashion/the-family-stories-that-bind-us-this-life.html To help you begin that journey with the children in your life, start by checking out all our new children's charts at FamilyChartmasters.com. Scroll down on our home page to "Set Style Charts" to see these and other reasonably priced charts that do not require you to work with a designer. Simply choose the style you love most and upload your information to the website. It's a simple as that. Your chart will be printed and on it's way to you before you know it.
And this next one is for a family with gay dads. It's called "Mezzanine."

And look at this one! You can print the chart and the child can actually color it! How cool is that! This is the "Keystone" version.
Just go to our Set Style Chart page at https://familychartmasters.com/set-style/ to order one for your family today!
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